“The real-time decisions every operator makes each minute of the day have significant implications to the bottom line of the mine site!”
This is the opening statement in Canadian Mining Magazine’s September 2016 Special Report on new mining technology. MineWare’s Argus shovel monitoring system is featured with a four-page article about the importance of managing the front-end of the mining cycle carefully as the performance of a mine’s digging fleet heavily influences the downstream mining processes.
The article http://issuu.com/bigmininglp/docs/cmj_sept2016_de/31?e=18017915/38676842 explains in detail the impact payload compliance, mine plan compliance and machine damage management can have on the overall productivity of the mine. It goes on to explain that these are the three key dimensions to loader productivity that are actually under the control of the loader operator. Giving the machine operator the information to help improve performance in these three dimensions can help surface mining operations realise substantial improvements in overall mine productivity.
RAMJACK Technology Solutions is proud to be the representative of MineWare in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. If your mine has a digging fleet that needs a performance improvement, contact us. We are ready to visit your operation to discuss how MineWare’s Argus and Pegasys systems can provide real-time, easy-to-use, actionable information to the people who have the greatest capability to act on it – the machine operators.