What Is It?
The COVID-19 global pandemic has resulted in production shutdowns, freedom of movement restrictions and health scares – all having a dramatic impact on the world’s health statistics and economy. The mining industry is not immune to these challenges. In order to ensure the health of personnel, as well as the sustainability of operations, mines must take deliberate action to monitor the health of everyone entering the mine’s property.
RAMJACK’s Personnel Health Monitoring System is a comprehensive, scalable solution consisting of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – such as: KN-95 masks, face shields and gowns – rapid COVID-19 antibody test kits and a collection of software applications – both desktop and mobile – designed for effective tracking of PPE inventory, test results and employee interactions. The solution is fully integrated with all of RAMJACK’s production and safety monitoring systems and can be implemented as individual products (masks, test kits, etc.), a stand-alone system or a fully integrated solution.
How Does It Work?
Mine’s choose the level of solution that best suits their operations. For mines interested only in administering tests and/or providing PPE to employees, product can be ordered in various quantities for administration as required. Some mining companies are choosing to donate larger quantities of test kits and PPE to their communities and local hospitals as a commitment to their Corporate Social Responsibility.

For operations looking for a more comprehensive solution – one that supports monitoring employee movement in relation to their test status and the test status of others – RAMJACK combines the functionality of our People Tracking System with our Human Resource and Inventory Management applications. Thus mines can keep track of both employee interactions and test results, providing highly useful data for Health & Safety Departments to limit the spread of the Coronavirus.

Why Does It Matter?
In recent times, nothing has had an impact on the world quite like the Coronavirus pandemic. Statistics have shown that the spread of the virus is best stifled by social distancing and isolation practices. Unfortunately, these practices have a dramatically negative impact on the financial health of companies, not to mention the world economy. As mines strive to continue operations while preventing the spread of the virus, the combination of the right PPE and purpose-built, “mining-ready” monitoring applications can mean the difference between success and failure. The RAMJACK Personnel Health Monitoring Solution was designed specifically to address these challenges in the mining industry using state-of-the-art medical devices and tried and tested mining technology.