RST Instruments
Geo/Hydro Monitoring Instrumentation
Wide range of geotechnical and hydrogeological monitoring instruments for a variety of earth monitoring applications on surface and underground, such as: tails dam monitoring and paste backfill monitoring. RST Instruments makes a range of monitoring sensors that help mine operators make sound decisions. Sensors and associated hardware and accessories are produced for a variety of applications and environments, including underground and open-pit mines, as well as tailings dams.
As modern underground mines go deeper and spread wider and are frequently under pressure to increase yields and move more material, intensive geotechnical and other monitoring becomes more important than ever before. RST makes a range of sensors and instruments that help keep underground mines safe and productive, including:
- Vibrating wire thermistor data loggers
- Mechanical, rotary, and auto-warning telltales
- In-line multi-point borehole extensometers
- Flexible data loggers
- 7-wire strand tension measuring gauges
- Inline extensometers
- Vibrating wire NATM stress cells
- Vibrating wire/thermistor data loggers
- Vibrating wire or silicon strain gauge total earth pressure cells
- Paste backfill monitors
Constant measurement and monitoring of rock, soil, and other features is one of the keys to keeping any open pit/surface mine safe and productive. Instruments suitable for use in these mines include:
- Vibrating wire or silicon strain gauge total earth pressure cells
- Shape array instruments
- Inclinometer casings
- Vibrating wire piezometers
- Metallic time domain reflectometry (MTDR) instruments
- Vibrating wire/thermistor data loggers
- Secondary enclosure
- Borehole packers and accessories
- Uniaxial/biaxial tilt loggers
- Flexible data loggers
- Radio series wireless data loggers
Neglecting a tailings dam can have disastrous results. Keep a watchful eye on your dams with the these, and other, sensors/instruments from RST:
- Vibrating wire piezometers
- Data loggers
- Shape array instruments
- Flexible data loggers
- Radio series wireless data loggers
- Vibrating wire or silicon strain gauge total earth pressure cells
- Inclinometer casings
At RAMJACK Technology Solutions, we offer solutions from RST to clients in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.