We sat down with Ramjack’s CEO Mike Jackson to learn which strategies have proven the most successful for the company’s technology integration team through the years. When you take a deep dive into a mine’s technology landscape and unique operational challenges, we discovered the perfect optimization strategy is both an art and a science. With Ramjack’s ‘three pillars’ of success, mining operations have quickly realized the full value from their technology systems, no matter how simple or complex, with proven ROI. Check out Mike’s insight into Ramjack’s three pillars: advise, execute, optimize.
As a specialized systems integrator, Ramjack focuses on helping mines realize the true value of operational technology. To do this, we’ve created three pillars, service offerings, that align with the value realization lifecycle of the industry.
Our first pillar is the advisory pillar. This pillar is all about strategy development, putting technology roadmaps together, operational readiness studies, and technology selection. We have a team of experts from around the world who can deliver on virtually any scope of work related to operational technology strategy.
Our second pillar is the execution pillar. Here Ramjack’s experts can scope, source, supply, deploy and support virtually any technology application. Networks, production systems, maintenance systems, safety systems, instrumentation, and monitoring programs.
Optimization pillar. The foundation of our optimization pillar is Ramjack’s remote operations center facility. 24/7 real-time integrated operation center complete with artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. We can run the technologies that you have at your mine already, or we can arrive with the best of breed suite of technologies from production systems, safety systems, and maintenance systems, whatever is required, including the operational network.
Whatever your technology needs are, whether they be strategic or operational, Ramjack is equipped with our three pillars: advise, execute, and optimize, to support.
Thank you for your time today, if you’d like to chat further about this, please reach out anytime.